Wow, thanks for taking the time for such an in depth response! You can try and see if that will help, but please note, that usually layered clothing will always have some clipping if they have some sort (or lacking) thickness. You will want to go back in Bodyslide and actually select a body base shape you want to use (like CBBE, UNP, etc) and do that for both the suit and bra so they visually will look the same. The Bra seems to an accessory item (ei it doesn't replace or remove) that goes over the body specific slot, which is why you're seeing it not use your current proportions, but instead has the shape of whatever body you build it with or the author made it with. Clothes don't work like they do in in real life, which is why you will see many people tell you to build your armor and body in Bodyslide, so when you take off your armor, you have the same proportions that you want visually. In Fo4, when you put on clothing, you are essentially 'subtracting' the body itself from the view and replacing it with the armor that you can see (which also has the body in with it). Use Bodyslide to change the shape of the body you're using of the suit/bra themselves and make sure it's the same for both (like CBBE, UNP, etc). Bra is an accessory, that doesn't replace body, so you will get clipping like that. TL DR When you put on armor (or in your case, a suit), you're also replacing the body itself.

I did pick up on either using Outfit Studio to resize the bra (But wouldn't this mess up the scale when used without the Vault Suit?), or using NifSkope to make a combined single outfit with the Suit and bra together, but after looking at NS it's making my head spin!Īny suggestions would be awesome! Thanks! I've googled the issue, as well as scouring the LU, UVS, and Bodyslide Nexus comments for an answer, but no joy. Both the individual bra and the 2 piece LU set work fine when equipped by themselves, but the bra seems to automatically resize itself when used in conjunction with the Vault Suit. I've batch built and individually built both sets of clothing multiple times, as well as setting and resetting the base body (though that shouldn't matter as the Vault Suit has it's own base).

I'm trying to get Lacy Underwear to sit under the Unzipped Vault Suit, but the bra keeps on sizing itself bigger than the suit. Apologies if this has been answered a hundred times before (please link me if it has - I did search but got no hits), but my new character's underwear flatly refuses to actually sit underneath the clothing that she's wearing.